Day 20, 30 Days of Sober Sunrises

Jul 18, 2024

Day 20, July 178h, Thursday, 5:52 am

Overcast on the horizon, thick layers of fluffy clouds and thin wispy layers all gathered together in shades of pale blueish grey.

Moderate waves, gentle breeze, very peaceful.

Feelings: a relaxed weary, a bit tired but thankful I am here.

It's very soothing to watch a single wave form out at sea and roll all the way in and then slowly break and dissipate. Over and over again.

Sky is starting to lighten up, scant peachy orange is breaking through the thick clouds.

Oracle: For David on his 80th birthday, Bluebell Fairy, Gratitude

The more gratitude that you have, the more bounty will fill your life. Cherish the preciousness of all things and joy will fill your life.

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