Day 21, 30 Days of Sober Sunrises

Jul 19, 2024

Day 21, Friday, July 19th, 5:56 am

Mild waves, no wind, peaceful, pale grey blue cloud cover on the horizon.

Nature helps you heal.

Looking out and connecting with the waves and the sound, hearing messages from the universe or ourselves help us make meaning of things.

What do you see in the crashing waves?

How are the ocean waves similar to human life and our feelings?

Coming in and out, shifting, changing, some days big and angry, some days soft, gentle and easy.

Somedays fish leaping and jumping out of the water, some days we cut ourselves on rocks because the waves crash and push us down.

Everyday is different.

We are all different.

Our feelings about things change, we have different responses to things than other people.

But everyday, like the sun and the waves, we rise and say yes to another day, no matter the weather, no matter the tragedy, and that in itself is a miracle.

One not to be taken for granted.

We are alive, we get to feel.

We get to see, touch, taste, notice, evaluate, change, grow, evolve and age.

What a ride.

There is value in every single experience it all connects and works together, life and death.

One can not exist without the other.

It's all harmonious, beautiful, and fragile and can change in a second, just like the sunrise.

Cherish it.

[Oracle] I forgot to write down the message from the card today, but I know it was a good one, lol.


Angela Mascenik
Stop Over-drinking and Start Living Podcast
Certified Stop Over-drinking Coach
šŸŒ… šŸŒ… šŸŒ… šŸŒ…

About the 30 days of Sober Sunrise Project:

These entries are dedicated to my 6th year of living an alcohol-free life. I have discovered that I love sunrises in my new life. So, I decided to do a writing project of documenting 30-days of sober sunrises over the Atlantic ocean. I rented a house within walking distance to Carolina Beach to make this happen. My family and a few friends will be rotating in and out during this time.

I have no agenda or goal about the outcome. I am curious and fascinated about what might happen.

But most importantly, I just happy that I gave myself the chance for this to even be possible. I am thankful for every person who has helped me get here, past and present, good and bad. They all played a role and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't the experiences in my life (even all the excessive drinking) before this very moment. Let's see what happens! 

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