Episode 134 | Taking a Break
Nov 09, 2021This week I’m diving into why taking meaningful breaks from work and in our day to day lives helps you feel better and drink less.
When I look back in the first 6 months of 2021, I implemented many more breaks, meeting free days and more vacation time and I’ve had the most success in my business to date. How does this work?
Tune in and I’ll explain it to you.
Basically, we are not meant to be productive all of the time. Our brain needs rest, quiet time, technology free time and if you can incorporate this into your regular day to day, you will automatically not want to seek alcohol and food to ‘de-stress.’
Links mentioned in podcast:
Mayo Clinic:
Forbes: Why taking vacation time can save your life
Cleveland Clinic:
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- Why it's hard to cut back
- The power your own thoughts have when you want to stop over-drinking
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