Episode 144 | Allowing People To Be Upset

Nov 19, 2021

I want to explore the art of letting someone be upset with you.

First, people have emotions all the time. And it’s normal for us to disappoint or trigger negative emotions in other people.

It does happen, it will continue to happen until we die.

We can not control it. Sometimes you will cause other people to be upset.

And if you can learn how to navigate that better, you can create a better connection through it with the other person and do less harm to yourself.

When a person displays or communicates how they are feeling, just take a breath, and step back and allow them to be exactly where they are.

It’s ok for them to be upset.It’s ok for you to be upset.

Everyone’s emotions are ok.

Tune in and learn how this allowance of the other person’s emotions will help you drink less and improve your relationships.


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