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Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Podcast Study Guide

Stop over-drinking Coach and Podcast Creator, Angela Mascenik, has created a study guide to help listeners dive deeper into why you are over-drinking and provide you with real tools and thought provoking exercises to help you drink less right away.

See what podcast listeners have to say:


You are so on point!
Love love love your podcast.
I laughed, nodded my head and actually agreed out loud. I am taking steps to stop over-drinking and start living today."



"Angela gives so many great tips and great advice about how to cut down on your drinking or stop all together. She takes it from feeling impossible to possible with practical and useful information about how to manage your urges and your mind"



"Listening to [this podcast] and participating in some of Angela's workshops has changed my life. I'm drinking way less wine and feeling so positive. Great steps to freedom from over-drinking"

-PB Mimi

Meet Angela

Angela, the founder of the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living podcast and numerous stop over-drinking coaching programs for women, is dedicated to helping high-achieving women address the underlying reasons for over-drinking so they can make permanent changes in their relationship with alcohol -- while having FUN doing it!

Angela knows the pain of a life of over-drinking and overeating and through life coaching, she has dropped the weight permanently, quit drinking, and hasn't looked back.

When Angela isn't coaching other badass women to start living the life of their dreams she's drinking coffee, running, hanging out with her 3 crazy kids, reading all the latest self-help and business books, traveling, and enjoying her friends.