Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 66, Why I Love Helping Women Stop Over-drinking
I was recently asked to explain what I do as if I were talking to a 7-year-old. What a fun assignment.
It was so easy to explain: I help women stop over-drinking.
They are drinking too much because sometimes they feel stressed about all the things they have to manage like work and then coming home and taking care of the house and cooking and cleaning or sometimes something sad or unexpected happens in their lives and they drink to sort of make themselves feel better.
But drinking really doesn't help them feel any better and they know that but they don't know how to feel better on their own so they keep doing it. Right?! Can you relate to this?
So, I help them by listening to them and understanding their problems and teach them how to fix it and to not be hard on themselves when they aren't perfect.
In adult terms: I help women feel better so they don’t turn to alcohol to help them manage any aspect of their lives. We pivot from using alcohol as a tool to manage our lives to learning how to feel better so we don’t need alcohol.
Tune into this week's podcast for a special treat from actual clients inside my coaching program and what they said about NOT over-drinking during the pandemic.
Are you interested in joining my coaching program?
Stop Over-drinking and Start Living is a 6-month, small-group, women-only coaching program, and it is changing lives!
Get the details and apply today!
Angela Mascenik, Angela stop over-drinking coach, become emotionally unattached to alcohol, drink less do more, drink less wine, emotional drinking, emotional eating, how do I feel my feelings, how to cut back on how much I drink, how to feel better during pandemic, how to feel class, how to feel to stop over-drinking, how to feel your urges, stop over drinking coach, Stop over-drinking and Start Living podcast, stop over-drinking help for women,