Ep 292 The Beauty in the Process: Why Success is More Than the End Result

This episodes dives into the how to see the payoff and the beauty in the process to your goals instead of focusing on just end goal.

I recently led a small group of women on a challenging 8-mile hike during my Seattle Retreat and it was foggy at the peak.

But, I quickly realized that the hike wasn't about the great views at the end, it was more about putting yourself in an opportunity to expand your discomfort and to grow and that the payoff will serve you LATER, maybe not right in that moment, but you will call on your skills that you learned during that hike for years to come.

And that is the same way to approach any goal or change you want to make. It's about celebrating yourself along the way and finding the ways in which you did make changes and got out of your comfort zone. This makes the journey of it more fun and motivates you to keep going.

Tune in and hear more about this hike and why expanding your discomfort and celebrating yourself along the way is what you need to be focusing on!

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