What if it's NOT About the alcohol?  

What if learning how to stop over-drinking was about learning why you are using alcohol in the first place?

And in that process it allowed you more time and energy to focus on doing more important work in the world, like spending quality time with your kids, going for that promotion, getting involved in your community, or training for a race?

You CAN.

When you learn what's behind the drinking, you can have any relationship you want with it.

What if it's NOT About the alcohol?  

What if learning how to stop over-drinking was about learning why you are using alcohol in the first place?

And in that process it allowed you more time and energy to focus on doing more important work in the world, like spending quality time with your kids, going for that promotion, getting involved in your community, or training for a race?

You CAN.

When you learn what's behind the drinking, you can have any relationship you want with it.

Start with my FREE Start Here Guide, a simple easy way to get you started, without rules. Enter your email and I'll send it over!


On paper, you might have it all.

However, you search for things to make you happy OR to take the edge off.

Often times that thing is alcohol.

You might tell yourself that you will only have one drink, but then you just say screw it and have another and another.

You’ve told yourself to be strong, to have more willpower.

Then you tell yourself what’s the big deal, you are a successful woman who goes to work and takes care of everything. Certainly drinking wine isn’t a big deal, everyone does it.

Often after a long day, you come home from work and automatically pour yourself a nice big glass of wine. You take a sip, and then ahhhhhh. The edge is gone.

You drink that glass of wine while you are getting dinner ready for the family.

You pour another glass, turn on the TV and finally, you can relax.

You continue drinking and binge-watch 3 episodes of your favorite show.

You go to bed, toss and turn in a daze all night. 

You tell yourself in the morning that you won’t drink tonight.

You get home from work, and then maybe you think, nope not gonna do it.

But then your mind starts chattering and saying ‘it was a long day’ ‘who cares if you have a glass..’

Then, screw it. You pour that big glass, and ahhhhhh edge is gone.

You drink that one fast and then pour another while you contemplate what’s for dinner.

You know the rest of the story.

That was me, for more than 20-years.

Now, I help women stop over-drinking and start LIVING.

I spent 20+ years of my life over-drinking. It started in college, then a career in sales and marketing, and then having a family. Life didn’t get easier. All the while, there was alcohol and the desire for it just kept growing.

This is what I kept telling myself:

- I won't have another
- I won't drink tonight, today will be different
- I'll just have one glass while I make dinner

I kept rebelling against my own plans and betraying myself.

Then, I learned that it wasn’t my job, kids, or other people who caused me to drink, it was my own internal dialogue and a misunderstanding of what caused my feelings and it changed my life forever.

If I can do it, so can you. IT IS POSSIBLE.

I've coached hundreds of women to have the exact relationship with alcohol they want and YOU CAN STOP OVER DRINKING TOO.


Where do we start?


Listen to my FREE podcast, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living.

I've coached thousands of women over the years and I know what you need to do get started that feels easy and doable.
 ⭐️ So, I've created a free resource, called Start Here, Your Beginner's Guide to Stop Over-drinking or Taking a Break. Enter your email address below and I'll send it right over!

Click below to listen to an episode